Blackbook, contemporary art and Zoe Buckman's Present Life artwork keep it really real.

Blackbook – February 2015

Blackbook, contemporary art and Zoe Buckman's Present Life artwork keep it really real.

See why Blackbook says that stepping into Zoë Buckman’s East Village New York studio feels like “entering the mind of a manic pixie dream artist” in their article on Zoe’s contemporary art, Present Life.

Here’s a brief excerpt from the article, “Zoë Buckman’s First Solo Show Keeps it Really Real”:

Moments later, we were before a giant illuminated neon hourglass that will appear in her first solo show, “Present Life,” which opens tonight, Tuesday, February 24th, from 6-8 p.m. at the Garis & Hahn Gallery on Bowery. “One of the reasons working with neon really interests me is that is seems so inorganically bright, so unnatural, but it actually has a limited lifespan, just like organic life – once the neon runs out, it’s gone, it dies.” Buchman is unabashedly and authentically obsessed with life and death. As she walks us through each piece that will be in the show — a mix of sculpture, photography, and neons — it’s clear that, unlike artists who attempt to erase their identity from their work and either hide behind eidetic concepts or claim that they have no interest in interpreting their own work’s meaning, Buckman belongs to a new breed of disarmingly sincere artists; she tells you exactly what she’s up to and what she’s trying to do in an in-your-face, no bullshit way.

Get the complete story on Present Life and read the rest of the article at