Huffington Post talks about art political mural by Buckman and Frank for NY Live Arts

The Huffington Post – December 2016

Huffington Post talks about art political mural by Buckman and Frank for NY Live Arts

This article by The Huffington Post‘s Priscilla Frank highlights an upcoming public project by feminist artists Zoë Buckman and Natalie Frank in collaboration with NY Live Arts. A large-scale mural titled We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident  will depict the female figure juxtaposed along with negative statements politicians have made about women or regarding their rights.

Here is a brief excerpt from the article, Two Feminist Artists Are Turning the Degrading Things Politicians Say About Women into Art:

In an upcoming project titled We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident, artists Natalie Frank and Zoë Buckman are publicizing the ignorant, misogynistic language employed by former and current politicians in relation to women’s bodies. And they are doing so via a massive mural.

‘Researching the quotes was tough, emotionally,’ Buckman said in an interview with The Huffington Post. ‘Seeing these words typed out, reading sentiment after sentiment of disrespect and hatred, the preposterous absence of science, fact, or reality, the utter lack of compassion, and the blatant misogyny: It’s blindingly clear that there is a war on women right now and that there always has been.'”

Donate to the project now on Kickstarter.